Evidence-based Practices in the Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Infections: Knowledge of Intensive Care Nurses
Original Research
P: 91-98
June 2020

Evidence-based Practices in the Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Infections: Knowledge of Intensive Care Nurses

J Turk Soc Intens Care 2020;18(2):91-98
1. Demiroğlu Bilim Üniversitesi Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu, İstanbul, Türkiye
2. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İbni Sina Hastanesi, Ankara, Türkiye
3. Atılım Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Ankara, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 03.12.2018
Accepted Date: 09.05.2019
Publish Date: 05.06.2020



This study aimed to determine the knowledge level of intensive care nurses regarding evidence-based practices in the prevention of infections related to the Central Venous Catheter (CVC).

Materials and Methods:

This descriptive study was conducted in the adult intensive care units of a research and practice hospital and a private hospital in September-November 2018. The written consent of the participants and the approval of the ethics committee and necessary institutions were obtained. In data collection, a “data collection form regarding the demographic features of the participants” and “information form oriented to preventing infections regarding CVC” were used.


The study was completed with 126 nurses, 52.4% of whom were aged 19-28 and 50.0% had been working in intensive care units for 1-38 months. Their knowledge regarding the prevention of CVC-related infections was low. The total mean scores of nurses aged 29-43 were statistically significantly higher than those aged 19-28 (p=0.045). The total mean scores of the nurses who had worked as a nurse for 7-24 years were statistically significantly higher than those who had worked for 1-6 years (p=0.003), and the total mean scores of the nurses who had worked as intensive care unit nurses for 40-288 months were statistically significantly higher than those who had worked for 1-38 months (p<0.001).


This study found that nurses had a low level of knowledge regarding evidence-based practices in the prevention of CVC-related infections, and as age and experience of working as a nurse in intensive care units increased, knowledge levels also increased.

Central venous catheter, evidence-based practices, infection, knowledge level, nurse


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