The purpose of this work was to review the current literature evaluating the efficacy of clinical protocols and preservation methods in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and to examine the data obtained from the studies systematically.
Materials and Methods:
Articles reached by scanning national and international databases including “Google Scholar”, “Pubmed”, “Science Direct”, “Proquest”, “Cochrane”,” EBSCOhost”, “Clinical Key”, “Ovid”, “Web of Science”, “Google Akademik” between 2012-2017 were included in this review. In this review, articles with publication language Turkish or English, which evaluated the effects of (VAP) preventing protocols and applications on the results, whichwere published in last five years and of which full text was available were collected by using keywords; “VAP prevention”, “Prevention of VAP”, “Prevent VAP”, “VAP prevention”, “Prevent VAP”, and “Prevention of VAP”. A total of 48 studies which met the inclusion criteria constituted the sample of the study.
Randomized controlled; prospective, randomized controlled; semi-experimental; pilot, randomized controlled, prospective, cluster randomized controlled, open label; monocentric observational; double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, prospective, randomized controlled; single-center,two-arm, randomized controlled, open label; prospective, double blind, randomized controlled;randomized controlled, experimental; pilot, randomized, placebo controlled-double blind, observational; prospective, observational; pretest-posttest; retrospective cohort/prospective cohort; prospective,randomized, placebo controlled,pilot; retrospective cohort; and retrospective type of studies presented in the articles were included in this review. In this systematic review, clinical protocols and preventive measures used in the prevention of VAP including oral administration of “chlorhexidine”, “hydrogen peroxide”, “OralBalance”, the use of “OroCare Aspire / Sensitive sticks” for oral care; preference for endotracheal tubes with subglottic drainage, application of abdominal massage, semi recumbent or trendelenburg position of the patient, probiotic preparations, hypertonic sodium chloride, hydrocortisone and antibiotics have been found to be effective.
As a result of this systematic review, clinical protocols and preventive measures used in 18 studies to prevent VAP did not affect the results of VAP, whereas those used in 30 studies affected the results of VAP, positively.